I am a South Florida Mom Approved Panelist. Find me on page 76 of the July 2015 issue

Grab a copy of South Florida Par­ent­ing (SFP) Magazine this month and you will find me on Page 76. In part­ner­ship with the Bloggin’ Mamas, SFP created the South Florida Par­ent­ing Mom-Approved Panel to serve as a sounding board for what moms are looking for. This is my 2nd year as a Mama’Bassador in this program and I am looking forward to continuing my work with them.

Sun Sentinel’s South Florida Par­ent­ing, the pre­mier par­ent­ing mag­a­zine in Broward,  Miami-Dade and Palm Beach coun­ties, has a dis­tri­b­u­tion of 90,000 copies and has become an indis­pens­able source for par­ents, teach­ers and care­givers. This monthly pub­li­ca­tion is avail­able at more than 2,400 family-related  busi­nesses in the tri-county area, includ­ing day care cen­ters, pri­vate schools,  doc­tors’ offices, hos­pi­tals, libraries, book stores, muse­ums and children’s spe­cialty stores.South Florida Parenting’s con­tent includes com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion  about local South Florida events and activ­i­ties for fam­i­lies, fea­tures and  insight­ful columns on par­ent­ing issues. Every issue includes an exten­sive day-by-day  cal­en­dar of events, local par­ent sup­port infor­ma­tion, great ideas for  South Florida fam­ily out­ings, prod­uct reviews, advice columns sep­a­rated by stage, local news, resource guides, health and safety infor­ma­tion, and local, national and inter­na­tional fam­ily travel des­ti­na­tions and deals.

In addition to me, the 11 other bloggers selected include:

Aileen Van Pelt of Newsy Parents

Melissa Hall Roy of Beyond Mommying

Colleen Shibley of Shibley Smiles

Dana Brillante-Peller of Pellerini Proclaims

Christina Nicholson of Mascara Maven and More

Cristina Ramirez of Triathlon Mami

Erica Chao of Mamas Mission

Jessica Teixiera of The Beauty Delicacy

Heather McMehan of Local Mom Scoop

Janet Eltaktouk of Outersparkle

Congratulations to all of the selected bloggers!