This past Thursday, with my assistance, a handful of moms got the opportunity to attend a sneak preview of WLRN’s new show, ENERTIPS which is scheduled to make its’ debut on Friday, April 6th. The show centers on a family looking to create an energy-conscious community around them and was originally created in Spain, before being brought over to the US.

We were introduced to some of the show’s characters like the Handy’s: Matthew (Dad), Patty (Mom), Paul (son), and Ana (daughter); their neighbors, the Stickyfinger Family; and the villians, Darkhand & Backhand. The moms got an opportunity to provide their feedback after watching the preview show. WLRN seemed to really seek our input on how the show could best benefit our children. For instance, while we felt the content was excellent and the characters were very marketable, we also felt it was delivered too quickly for little ones to grasp. We made suggestions on how to make it accessible and understandable to the children they were targeting, ages 5-8. You can visit their website to find out more about the show at

Green Boot Camp Challenge

Starting next Monday, I want to invite you to take the Green Boot Camp Challenge. Here is the instructions to participate:

Monsoon Monday:

  • Limit your shower to five minutes
  • Brush your teeth using no more than one glass of water
  • Wash all your dishes by hand, not the dishwasher

Tumble-Dry Tuesday:

  • Use a bigger load when doing laundry
  • Hang up clothes to dry
  • Wear your clothes more than once
  • Take a picture of your stuffed up load

Wired Wednesday:

  • Unplug all of the appliances that you are not using
  • Take a picture of a pile out of the sockets

Thoughtful Thursday:

  • Bring your own bags to the grocery store when you go shopping.

Family Friday:

  • Get the family in one room for entertainment.
  • Take a picture of your family hobbled together

At the end of each day, go to the WLRN Facebook Page and post your answers to the following questions, as well as your pics:

For Monday: What did it feel like being limited to one glass of water for your teeth? In your estimation, how many glasses did you actually use? Did you feel rushed during your shower? Do you still feel clean? “Washing dishes by hand? How old school!” Is that true?

For Tuesday: What is the optimum amount of times you wear clothes without them becoming funky? Upload your photo of the stuffed up load.

For Wednesday: Can you live with only three things plugged in at a time?How many things do you really need to turn on? Post your picture of your plugs cluster. Who has the biggest cluster of plugs?

For Thursday: Reducing the plastics and paper needed for bagging what you buy can drastically reduce your impact on the planet.

For Friday: The less room you occupy, the less electricity you waste. Saving energy and keeping each other warm. Post your picture of your family together.

None of the above steps are in association with any promotion or giveaway. You will not win a prize for participating, but you will be doing something for the earth.

I will have a separate giveaway for a neat WLRN goody bag I will give away at Hispanicize next week.

Disclosure: I was not monetarily compensated for this post. When we attended the sneak preview, refreshments and the goody bag were provided to all attendees.